Friday 1 March 2013

Post Production: Soundtrack Ms Begum


A soundtrack is incredibly important when it comes to creating thrillers because if created succesfully it complements your film well. They follow the storyline of the film and create different atmospheres depending on the situation which gives different indications to the audience. For example if the camera was following the protagonists movements the sound would be slow-paced sound which tells the audience that the situation is calm and the protagonist is not in danger. But if for example the antagonist is spotted the sound may intensify by getting louder or speeding up. This makes the audience suggests that the protagonists life is in danger.

If created to a professional standard, a soundtrack can have multiple effects on the audience depending on the genre of the film and the situations the characters are in the film. Because soundtracks create different atmospheres, you can get certain reactions from the audience. For example if a character who everyone loved died and they played a sad soundtrack, the audience would feel sad. Another example is if an antagonist was chasing the protagonist and they used upbeat, intensified, scary music then the audience would fear for the protagonists life.

A conventional soundtrack in a thriller film consists of different elements  to create the perfect music that complements the film. First the music has got to create tension so the speed of the soundtrack should be gradually be getting faster to emphasis the effect the thriller has on the audience. Thriller soundtracks should also be loud and appear sudden to create a reaction from the audience, to make them "jump out of their seats."

In order to create the soundtrack we used a program on the imac's called Garageband. With garageband we were able to create a profesional, conventional soundtrack that works in cohesion with the thriller trailer. The reason why my group used that particular software is because i had experience in using the software so the tools wasnt exactly new to me. Furthermore the software was easier to use and get around better than others such a Logic Pro.

The soundtrack we have created is very similar if not the same to a original conventional thriller film. We have used dynamic sounds to keep the audience engaged with the film. We have also made our soundtrack get more and more louder, intensifying the scene and therefore creating tension which should get a reaction with the audience. We have used both fast paced and slow paced
sound to get different reactions to different scenes of the thriller trailer. One film that inspired our soundtrack was the film "Scream". Scream is a very conventional thriller film that had a typical soundtrack. For example as the antagonist is chasing the victim the pace of the music increases and becomes more intensified, informing the audience that the protagonist is in danger. We chose to create that type of soundtrack because we wanted our thriller soundtrack to represent a typical, conventional thriller film that includes all the elements that create tension and gets reactinos from the audience.

What made our soundtrack effective is that we analysed a lot of soundtracks from different thriller films which means we have gotten a lot of inspiration for our own thriller soundtrack. We made sure that our soundtrack was able to create tension so we got feedback from other groups to make sure we were on the right lines. We included loud dynamic sounds thats would make the audience jump and we  used different paced sounds to get different reactions from the audience.


Overall the soundtrack has helped my group in the production of our thriller film as it is just one of the many micro-elements that help to create a successful thriller film. With the soundtrack included in our thriller film it has helped our thriller film to become more conventional to a typical thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. Some good reflection here on your use of sound and how you created the soundtrack. You specify some moments on when you used sound, and have related to film infleunces and conventions.

    To improve;
    -include some images of where you used sound in your thriller
    -what did you struggle with when using the programme?
    -how did you overcome these issues?
    -in your conclusion, state how important it is to match the sounds with the visuals?
